Maltipoo Care Tips

Cute puppy of Maltipoo dog posing isolated over white background

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Maltipoos are incredibly intelligent and loyal dogs that make wonderful companions. To ensure your Maltipoo has a long, healthy life, it is important to provide proper care. Here are some key tips for taking care of your new pup:

  1. Groom Regularly: Maltipoos have thick coats that can be prone to tangles and mats if not groomed regularly. Brush their coat at least twice a week with a slicker brush or shedding blade to reduce the amount of fur in the house and keep their coat looking their best. Additionally, trim their nails periodically and clean their eyes and ears as needed.
  1. Exercise Daily: Although Maltipoos are small in size, they still require regular exercise. Take your pup on daily walks or play in a fenced area to give them the exercise they need and help prevent destructive behaviors that can occur if they don’t get enough physical activity.
  1. Provide Healthy Nutrition: It is important to feed your Maltipoo an appropriate diet based on their age, size, and activity level. Providing healthy nutrition will ensure that your puppy grows into a strong and healthy adult. Make sure to also provide fresh water throughout the day as well as treats in moderation.
  1. Be Consistent with Training: Maltipoos are quick learners and respond well to positive reinforcement training techniques such as reward-based training methods. Establish rules for your pup early on, be consistent in your expectations, and provide consistent rewards when they respond correctly.

With these tips in mind, you will be able to provide the best possible care for your Maltipoo. Enjoy watching them grow into happy and healthy pups!

Why do Maltipoos cry so much?

Maltipoos can be prone to separation anxiety, which can lead to excessive whining and crying when left alone. To reduce their stress levels, it is important to give them plenty of attention, exercise, and mental stimulation when they are with you.

Additionally, ensure that your Maltipoo is getting enough sleep and provide a comfortable place for them to relax when you’re not at home.

If the problem persists, consult with your veterinarian for further advice or possible medication that could help reduce their anxiety levels.

You may also want to consider enrolling in an obedience class or hiring a professional dog trainer if needed. With patience and good care, your Maltipoo should eventually acclimate and cry less often.

How often do Maltipoos need a bath?

Maltipoos are a unique breed as they are a mix of curly and straight hair.

This means that their hair can get matted easily and will need to be brushed daily to prevent it from happening.

The best way to avoid matting is by bathing your Maltipoo at least once or twice per month. You should also bathe them more frequently if they have health issues such as allergies, skin irritations, or other matters requiring frequent washing.

Maltipoos should be bathed every 3-4 weeks while they are healthy and you brush their coat every day to ensure that mats don’t form on them.

Where should a Maltipoo sleep?

Maltipoos are prone to snoring, and it can be challenging to know if they do or not.

You can determine the condition of your dog’s breathing by watching them when they sleep.

If they start to breathe labored, you need to take their temperature and check for abnormal heart rate patterns. Maltipoos also tend to drool a lot, which is more likely than other dogs because their tongues are so large.

They need an area that is free from drafts and close to where you will be keeping them during the day so that they don’t keep reverting to the sleeping position that makes them most comfortable.

Do Maltipoos like to be held?

Maltipoos love to be held and are content to sit on your lap or at your feet.

They also have a somewhat high energy level so you’ll need to make sure to give them plenty of attention! Do Maltipoos like to go for walks?

Maltipoos are generally good walkers as long as they receive plenty of exercises.

But, if they get too much exercise, they might develop heat stroke, so it is best if you keep their walks moderate.

Is Maltipoos easy to take care of?

Maltipoos are very easy to take care of, but they have a lot of needs and they do require some experience. They need to be groomed regularly and bathed as often as possible.

They also need regular exercise and plenty of mental stimulation, whether fetching a ball or chewing on a rawhide bone. Since Maltipoos are typically very active, you should also ensure that your dog is in good physical shape.

This breed does not require shampoos as other breeds do, so you can use soap-free or low-sudsing “natural” products for this sweet pooch.


Maltipoos are a delightful breed that can bring years of companionship and love to any home. Providing your pup with regular exercise, mental stimulation, grooming, and a safe sleeping area will help ensure they remain healthy and happy.

It is also important to recognize signs of separation anxiety or too much exercise so that you can take the necessary steps to address these issues quickly.

With these tips in mind, you will be able to provide your Maltipoo with the care it needs for many years to come!

Enjoy watching them grow into a wonderful companion!

Caroline Watson

Caroline Watson

Hi, my name is Caroline Watson, and Maltese poodles have been in my family for generations. They are part of the family lineage and go everywhere with us. They are the most comfortable dogs in the world!
When I said we’re taking them everywhere, I meant it. We take them everywhere – from camping trips to family dinners.

About Me

You and I know that there are some things only owners of Maltipoos can get – like the fact that you really need to get in shape if you own a Maltese Poodle (or have a big back yard LOL).
So in this blog I want to share these fun facts about these beautiful, fun cuddly rays of sunshine with you – Maltipoo owners and those who want to be.

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